Well-established, busy chiropractic office in Newton Center, MA seeks new or experienced doctor to join our practice!
Newton Center Chiropractic, established in 1981, is looking for a new chiropractor! Our office is well known and respected in the community, we have a large volume of patients, and we receive many referrals from current and past patients. Our patients range from newborns to college athletes to the elderly and you will be able to focus your practice on whatever you do best. We are primarily an insurance-based practice with a quality, experienced staff to handle both patient flow and insurance/billing. We prioritize caring for people; patients and clinic staff above all else.
Dr. Drew Lowey uses Diversified, Activator, Active Release, Cox, drop table, and cold laser. He has a practice focus on orthopedic/sports injuries, active patient rehab, repetitive stress injuries, and feels strongly about educating patients and getting them involved in their care.
Dr. Lauren Yeager uses light force techniques such as Network Spinal, Biogeometric Integration, Activator, SOT and Thompson Drop with occasional Diversified adjustments.Her focus is on family care including new babies and mothers throughout the perinatal period.
Here’s what we’re looking for:
We currently have two chiropractors and are looking for a third full time doctor
You will be caring for established patients and also receive new patients weekly
Open to all different adjusting techniques and practice focuses
The right personality and willingness to be a team player are a must!
Start date: ASAP. Open to a short term trial to see if it’s a good match for everyone
Compensation: base salary plus percentage based reimbursement
Chiropractor in Newton, MA | Newton Center Chiropractic
To get in contact, please call or email Dr. Lauren Yeager or drlaurenyeager@gmail.com